+7 (495) 532 94 26
+7 (383) 355-34-52
+7 (383) 351-18-74
BARRICAID® anular closure device

The importance of disc height in patient selection
- Patients with taller discs and more nucleus are more likely to benefit from the Barricaid®’s improved disc height maintenance (compared to the control).
- Taller discs are likely to exhibit improved ranges of motion and less low back pain over collapsed discs.
- More active
- Good pre-operative disc height: 5+mm
- Larger anular defect: ≥5mm
1. Pre-operatively, disc height measures equal or > 5mm
2. Pre-operatively, exclude patients with:
- Collapsed discs, osteoporosis, spinal tumors, or other obvious contra- indications
- Less than 3mm posterior bony disc height